Thursday, July 14, 2022

Successful Weight Loss

Table Of Contents 

Chapter 1: Weight Loss Resolution Basics
Chapter 2: Use Walks 
Chapter 3: Use Fruits Rich in Vitamin C 
Chapter 4: Switch Out Trans Fats for Healthier Fats 
Chapter 5: Reprogram Your Mind About Portion Sizes 
Chapter 6: Change Your Mind About Salt and Use Fresh Herbs
Chapter 7: Change Your View About Whole Grains 
Chapter 8: Don’t Forget Water 
Chapter 9: Use Affirmations To Stay On Course 
Chapter 10: The Benefits of Maintaining a Healthy Weight


There are tons of reasons why obese or overweight people try to lose  weight. Some want to be healthier, to feel and look better while others  want to have more energy to accomplish their daily tasks. 

No matter what the reason is, healthy weight management and  successful weight loss depend on sensible goals as well as  expectations. If you set goals for yourself, it is not impossible to meet  them and have the chance to maintain your weight. 

Anyone can lose weight effectively. Get to know all your needed  information here.

Chapter 1: 

Weight Loss Resolutions Basics 


Weight loss is the term that is on many people’s minds. Some need it for medical reasons and others for aesthetic purposes. 

While there are many solutions available in today’s market and advice  can be found easily over the internet, achieving weight loss goals is  totally a different matter. People struggle to lose weight mainly  because of wrong expectation and misguidance due to the different  product marketing. 

Before you rush and start on your weight loss plan, consider the  weight loss basics first.

The Basics of Weight Loss 

Decreasing one’s pounds is one aspect of an effective and successful  weight loss. This is the main idea that everyone can relate to. It is also  measurable and can bring visible results. The words “weight loss”  convey these notions.  

Losing weight revolves on various important aspects including  restoring and improving one’s health, staying on the track to achieve  all your weight loss goals, and transforming and keeping a leaner  body. For you to achieve successful weight loss, you have to keep in  mind the weight loss basic principles. These include the following: 

Lose fat 

Stay motivated 

Gain muscle 

In order for you to be successful, you have to take note that you need  to make extra effort as there’s no shortcut in shedding those  unwanted pounds of yours. 

INTRODUCTION Fit exercise into your busy schedule? That’s as absurd as saying that there are eight days in a week. First, you’ve never exercised before or regularly played a sport. Second, you’ve...

Lose Fat: Diets Can Help You 

Eating correct and healthy balanced diet is important when losing  weight. Choose and follow a diet that is rich in fiber and protein and  low in refined carbohydrates. 

Once you have increased your intake of fiber and protein, you will  lose your weight gradually and your strong muscles will develop. Also,  if you consume less refined carbohydrates, you get rid of piling  calories, which don’t provide the needed nutrients of your body. 

Gain Muscles: Do Some Workouts 

When losing weight, gaining muscle can help. It is because fat will be  burned to provide you the right you the right energy in which muscles  require in staying alive. It’s interesting to note that a pound of fat  requires only three calories while a pound of muscle needs 75-150  calories every day to work. Therefore, if you want to see results when  losing weight, it’s imperative that you do workouts.  

You can consider any exercises or workouts. But, anaerobic and  aerobic exercises are essential for your body to work harder. For  better results, alter your exercise routines to maintain the stimulation  of your body. 

Some consider weight loss programs just to do workouts. There are  even others who enroll to a gym class. You don’t need to spend a huge  amount of money when doing workouts. You can do workouts at your  home. Just choose those exercises that will not require gym  equipment. 

When doing workouts, take it seriously and stick on your plan. Learn  to be motivated. Exercising regularly with consistency and commitment is a must. Do not make mistakes and expect for quick  results like most people do. You have to take note that it also takes  time to see results. 

Staying Motivated 

It is vital to accept that weight loss does not happen quickly. Losing  weight is a journey in which you need to monitor your progress. With  this, you will be able to see results while being motivated with your  plan. 

Losing weight may be easy for some because of using magic pills. But,  if you want to improve your overall health and maintain a healthy  weight, then stay motivated and get going as this can make a  difference.

Chapter 2: 

Use Walks 


Anyone can be able to lose weight depending on the intensity and  duration of their walking as well as their diet. That is the reason why  many experts advised overweight people to use walks as this can be a  great part of their weight loss journey. However, this does not mean  that you need to stop eating a healthy balanced diet. You still need to  stick to your weight loss plan. Walking is just a bonus for those who  want to see results in no time.

Walking As a Bonus to Your Weight Loss Journey

Some people say that physical activities like walking are not  important when trying to lose weight. But, the truth is, using walks  for your weight loss can help you arrived at your desired results.  

If you consider adding 30 minutes of brisk walking to your daily  activity, you would burn about 150 calories daily. For you to lose a  pound every week, you need to get rid of 500 calories each day. Of  course, the more you spend your time walking and the quicker your  pace is, you will be able to burn more calories. 

In order for you to be successful to lose weight through walking, you  need to maintain the intensity of your exercise at a vigorous or  moderate level. When it comes to weight loss, the longer you walk or  the more intense you walking exercise is, the more calories you’ll  burn. However, you have to take note that balance is essential. 

If you are new to physical activity and regular exercise, you can start  at a low intensity and increase it gradually. Once you have succeeded  in losing weight, you should not remove your walking exercises in  your daily routine as this will help you maintain your weight. As a  matter of fact, studies showed that people who are maintaining their  weight for long term always consider regular walks. So, keep on  walking and ensure to follow a healthy balanced diet.

Guide On How to Use Walking For Your Weight Loss 

As mentioned earlier, walking alone will not help you lose weight  successfully. You still need to consider eating a healthy diet as this  can let you achieve all your weight loss goals.  

Most people who are trying to lose weight find it hard to stay on the  course. Through this guide, you will be motivated in losing weight. 

1. Keep Track on Your Diet 

The best key for you to avoid overeating is to keep on track on  what you are eating. It may seem to be a simple task, but  managing your diet can be challenging. If you don’t want to ruin  your weight loss goals, then create a record of what you eat or  drink. Keeping a record of the calories of your foods can also be  a good idea. In this way, you will be able to maintain your  weight. 

2. Measure Your Walks 

There are different ways to monitor your walks or how far you  have walked. Tracking distance will allow you to compare  routes and can assist you in increasing your distance that can  also let you burn more calories, which is crucial if you’re  walking to shed extra pounds of yours.

3. Keep a Walking Log 

Keeping a walking log is also important like having a food log.  This will help you to be motivated in losing weight. Other than  that, your walking log will allow you to track your progress as  you gradually increase the intensity of your walks.

Chapter 3: 

Use Fruits Rich in Vitamin C 


Recent studies suggests that you will be more successful with your  weight loss if you will eat more fresh citrus and some vegetables and  fruits that are rich in Vitamin C. It does not mean that Vitamin C is  the new wonder drug for weight loss, but experts have discovered that  consuming an insufficient amount of Vitamin may hinder one to lose  weight.

Getting to Know More about Vitamin C 

Vitamin C is not just helpful in fighting colds. If you need to lose  weight for whatever reasons, this vitamin can help you. Did you know  that fruits that are high in Vitamin C can let you burn more fats? 

What Is Vitamin C? 

Vitamin C is also referred to as an ascorbic acid. It’s a water-soluble  vitamin with an antioxidant function in one’s body. This just means  that this neutralizes free radicals, which can cause damage to cells. 

Vitamins that are water-soluble are not stored in one’s body. With  this, you need to consider taking a fresh supply of these every day.  Otherwise, you will be at risk of developing a deficiency that can lead  to some health issues over time. Unfortunately, one’s body does not  have the capability of producing Vitamin C. So, it is important to  ensure that you take this nutrient adequately. 

Vitamin C and Weight Loss 

If you consider juicing recipes for your weight loss, you will get results  if you will include fruits that are rich in Vitamin C. 

Researchers are searching for fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C  that can increase your rate of burning fats during exercise. So, eat  some and use them for your juicing recipes.

You can consider any fruits that are rich in Vitamin C. If you don’t  have any idea which one is best suited on your weight loss journey,  then ask for assistance from experts. Also, if you have allergies on  some fruits, better consult your physician and ask for an advice about  the right fruits that you can use.

Chapter 4: 

Switch Out Trans Fat For Healthier Fats 


For several years, doctors and nutrients have preached that low-fat  diets is the best key to successful weight loss, preventing health  problems, and managing cholesterol.  

That is why it is essential for you to have ideas about switching out trans fat (bad fat) to healthier fat. It is because bad fats can increase  your health risks while good fats can protect your overall health  condition. In fact, healthier fats are important to emotional and  physical health.

Eliminate Trans Fats From Your Diet 

Trans fats are normal fat molecules that have been twisted as well as  deformed during a process, which is called hydrogenation. In this  process, liquid vegetable oil is combined and heated with hydrogen  gas. Partially, vegetable oils that are hydrogenated will make them  less likely to spoil and more stable, which is good for all food  manufacturers and not a good thing for you especially if you are  maintaining a healthy weight. 

Trans fats are not healthy. Even a small amount of them is unhealthy.  The reason behind it is that these fats contribute to several major  health problems like cancer and heart disease. 

Trans Fats Sources 

When talking about trans fats, many people think of margarine. Well,  it is true that there are several margarines that are loaded with these  fats. However, the main source of trans fats in the Western diets  comes from snack foods and commercially-prepared baked foods. 

Baked Goods – crackers, cookies, pizza dough, pie crusts,  muffins, and other breads including hamburger buns. Snack Foods – corn, candy, tortilla chips, potato, microwave  or packaged popcorn. 

Fried Foods – French fries, chicken nuggets, hard taco shells,  doughnuts, and fried chicken.

Pre-Mixed Products – pancake mix, chocolate drink mix,  and cake mix. 

Solid Fats – semi-solid vegetable shortening and stick  margarine. 

Be a Trans Fat Detective 

When shopping for your monthly or weekly foods, always consider  reading the labels and check out if there is a presence of trans fats in  the ingredients. There are some foods that come with no trans fats  label, their ingredients might be a suspect. 

When it comes to purchasing margarine, choose the versions like  soft-tub and ensure that the products come with zero grams of this  bad fat. If you are used to eating out, set aside biscuits, some baked  foods and fried foods. Avoid these foods unless your chosen  restaurant does not use trans fat when preparing their meals. In  addition to that, ask the counter person or server of what type of oil  used to cook the foods. If they will use trans fats, you can ask them to  prepare your foods with olive oil instead. 

If you to get rid of trans fats successfully, avoiding fast food is one of  the things that you need to do. Most states don’t have labeling  regulations for fast foods. In fact, this can advertised as cholesterol free if the foods are cooked in vegetable oil.

Pre-Mixed Products – pancake mix, chocolate drink mix,  and cake mix. 

Solid Fats – semi-solid vegetable shortening and stick  margarine. 

Be a Trans Fat Detective 

When shopping for your monthly or weekly foods, always consider  reading the labels and check out if there is a presence of trans fats in  the ingredients. There are some foods that come with no trans fats  label, their ingredients might be a suspect. 

When it comes to purchasing margarine, choose the versions like  soft-tub and ensure that the products come with zero grams of this  bad fat. If you are used to eating out, set aside biscuits, some baked  foods and fried foods. Avoid these foods unless your chosen  restaurant does not use trans fat when preparing their meals. In  addition to that, ask the counter person or server of what type of oil  used to cook the foods. If they will use trans fats, you can ask them to  prepare your foods with olive oil instead. 

If you to get rid of trans fats successfully, avoiding fast food is one of  the things that you need to do. Most states don’t have labeling  regulations for fast foods. In fact, this can advertised as cholesterol free if the foods are cooked in vegetable oil. (...)

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